Legal information

The site, hereinafter referred to as the Site, is the property of LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE, SASU, a simplified joint stock company with a single shareholder, registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under number Paris B 849 250 204, with its registered office at 8, rue de Presbourg – 75116 Paris.

The Site’s publication director is Mr Ludovic BOURG, in his capacity as Chairman of LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE.

The Website The Website was designed by KA-ZE Studio (  and is hosted by Scaleway, a simplified joint stock company with capital of 214,410.50 Euros. SIREN: 433 115 904 RCS Paris, whose registered office is located at 8 rue de la Ville L’Evêque 75008 Paris.


LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE undertakes to do its utmost to ensure that users can access the Site at all times. LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE takes the utmost care to ensure the quality and reliability of the information contained on the Site.

The company LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information published on the Site, nor the permanence of its proper functioning or its total computer security. The information contained on the Site is provided for information purposes only, without any explicit or implicit guarantee as to its validity, completeness or topicality, for the sole general information of users.

It cannot be held responsible if the site is unavailable for any reason whatsoever. Neither can it be held responsible for errors, lack of availability of information and/or the presence of viruses on its site.

LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE shall not be liable for any damage, temporary or permanent, to the visitor’s computer system or for any loss or damage (including, without limitation, loss of data or profits) suffered as a result of :

  • accessing or browsing the Site,
  • using the information contained on the Site,
  • copying, viewing or any other use of the Site that would give rise to legal proceedings or recovery.

Neither shall LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE be liable for any indirect damage resulting from the fraudulent intrusion of a third party leading to a modification of the information published on the Site, or for any financial or commercial loss, loss of programs or data in the user’s information system or otherwise, even if LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE was aware of the possibility of such damage occurring. The user acknowledges having read this legal notice and undertakes to comply with it. The user also acknowledges that he/she uses this information under his/her sole and exclusive responsibility.


The general structure of the Site, as well as each of its elements taken independently, in particular the texts, data and graphic elements, whether animated or not, constitute works which are protected as such by intellectual property laws, in particular by copyright, designs and models and trademark law, and by international treaties.

The general structure of the Site, as well as each of the elements of which it is composed, taken independently, in particular the texts, data and graphic elements of the Site, may not under any circumstances be modified, reproduced, displayed, presented, distributed or used for public or commercial purposes. Any person who downloads or collects information published on the Site has only a private, personal and non-transferable right of use. The information collected may only be reproduced on paper or digitally. Any use of the information collected must mention the source.

Protected works reproduced on the Site and not belonging to LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE have been the subject of express prior authorisation for reproduction by the holder of the rights.

Any total or partial representation of the Site or of any of its component parts without the express authorisation of LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

The databases appearing on the Site are protected by articles L.341-1 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code, and any extraction or re-use, whether qualitatively or quantitatively substantial, of the content of the databases is punishable by law.

The trademarks or logos appearing on the Site are trademarks registered by LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE or by third parties. Any reproduction, imitation or use, in whole or in part, of these distinctive signs without express authorisation and in violation of the prohibitions set out in articles L.713-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code shall render the author liable.

Other distinctive signs, in particular corporate names, trade names, brand names and domain names reproduced on the Site are the property of LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE or third parties and any reproduction without express authorisation is likely to constitute usurpation for which its author will be held liable on the basis of article 1240 of the Civil Code as amended by order no. 2016-131 of 10 February 2016.

LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE assumes no obligation to monitor any information that the user may post on the Web Site.

As such, the user warrants that any information, or material (the term ‘material’ refers to any projects, files or other attachments sent) or comments other than personal data, which the user may transmit to LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE through the website, does not infringe any third party’s intellectual property rights or any other applicable law.

Such information, material or comments will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary. By submitting any information, material or comments, the user grants LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE all necessary rights, unlimited and irrevocable, to use, perform, display, modify and transmit such information, material or comments, including any suggestions, concepts or know-how.

LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE reserves the right to use such information, elements or comments in any way it chooses.


Hypertext links to other sites, mainly to partner sites, have been expressly authorised in advance. As the links are provided for the personal convenience of Internet users, LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE has no control over these sites and accepts no responsibility for them, the pages remaining the sole responsibility of their owners.

The reproduction of a page of the Site in a frame not belonging to LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE or the insertion of a page belonging to LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE in the page of a site not belonging to LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE is prohibited. LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE reserves the right to remove links from its site to third party sites.

Users of this Site may not establish a link to this Site without the prior written consent of LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE.


LITTLE BIG JOB FRANCE reserves the right to modify the content of this legal notice at any time and without prior notice.


This Site is governed by French law.

The user acknowledges having read this legal notice and undertakes to comply with it.